We are an independent, small body of Bible-believing Christians situated on the shores of Lake Michigan in St Joseph, Michigan subscribing to the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. The church was established in April of 1966 as a Southern Baptist work in southwest Michigan and through its long history of 57 years, the church has been associated with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Southwest Michigan local Baptist Association.

Our church building which is over 100 years old is capable of seating 350 people however, our active membership attendance runs between 35-45 on any given Sunday. Our boiler which has been keeping us warm for the past 50 years, and we have been faithful stewards keeping up with its maintenance, has suffered a catastrophic failure with a large crack in its heat exchanger. This ancient boiler can no longer be repaired and we are faced with the exorbitant cost of replacing the boiler.

City Plumbing & Heating a local contractor that has been maintaining our boiler for the past 10 years provided an estimate of $77,604.00 to remove and replace our steam boiler. As of the date of this letter and as God has led us, we have raised $13,400.00 from our own giving. As you can see, we are coming up short and need help to replace this boiler. Time is of the essence. We only have warm months from May to September. The rest of the time it is cool or COLD. There is a 3-4 month lead time from the date the boiler is ordered. We are reaching out to the other parts of the body of Christ for love and assistance to help meet this need.

God bless you,

Copyright (C) 2025 Niles Avenue Baptist Church


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